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Positive Action Scheme

Positive Action Scheme

We provide free and subsidised spaces for children, young people and families who may otherwise be excluded from our provision.

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About these sessions

Here at Stomping Grounds we are passionate in our aim to provide outdoor experiences for everyone. We know that some communities have been excluded from outdoor experiences and our Positive Action scheme is about redressing the balance and ensuring minoritised voices are amplified and barriers to inclusion are broken down.

With thanks to our funders and donors, we are proud to offer free or subsidised spaces to children and their families who have been historically excluded from the type of provision we offer.

This could include, but is not limited to, families who may experience racism, people who may be discriminated against because of their sexuality or gender identity,  people who are disabled or families who are experiencing financial insecurity.

You can find out about the other ways we work for equity of access in our Equity, Diversity and Inclusion policy.

Make a booking


No, we don’t want to provide additional burden so we do not means test these spaces. We ask that you are open and honest and contribute what you can so we can support as many people as possible. Please fill in the form and someone will get back to you as soon as possible

A lot of our sessions are already free or subsidised due to external funding. The positive action scheme applies to any session where there is a ticket cost to join.

Further Information

If you have any questions please email admin@stomping-grounds.org